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Oxytocin acetate结构式图片|6233-83-6结构式图片

Oxytocin acetate


最新更新日期:2022-05-26 19:39

CAS No.:6233-83-6

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MedChemExpress ≥99.0% 10 mM * 1 mL 现货 763.00 元
MedChemExpress ≥99.0% 5 mg 现货 450.00 元
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Oxytocin acetate

CAS No. : 6233-83-6

MCE 国际站:Oxytocin acetate

产品活性:Oxytocin acetate 是一种多效的下丘脑肽 (hypothalamic peptide),有助于分娩、哺乳和亲社会行为。Oxytocin acetate 可以作为一种压力应对分子,具有抗炎、抗氧化剂和保护作用,特别是在面对逆境或创伤时。

研究领域:GPCR/G Protein

作用靶点:Oxytocin Receptor

In Vivo: During the LMA task, rat core body temperature are modestly decreased. Oxytocin acetate (subcutaneous injection; 0.1 mg/kg-0.3 mg/kg; single dose) produces significantly greater hypothermia (at 0.3 mg/kg) than either saline or the two lower doses of oxytocin. Oxytocin at 0.3 mg/kg produces a significantly greater decrease in temperature than vehicle between 15-60 min post injection, whereas 0.1 mg/kg slightly decreases temperature at the 30 min time point only.
Oxytocin acetate (0.1 mg/kg) engages in significantly more body sniffing and ano-genital sniffing compared with saline controls. It also increases the total time spent in social interaction (71.6±4.3 s), compared to those receiving vehicle (56.9±4.1 s).

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